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Saturday, December 17, 2011

Review : Shopaholic Takes Manhattan (Shopaholic #2) by Sophie Kinsella

Tittle   : Shopaholic Takes Manhattan
Author  : Sophie Kinsella
Publication date  : March 2nd 2004 by Dell

I was kind of bored the other day so looked for something funny to read. It has been ages since I finished Confessions of A Shopaholic, so I thought, why not read the second book? I likes the first book, but it didn't really impress me because I didn't really like the ending. It's a funny book, yes, but I felt like there was something missing.

So, I didn't really have high expectation when reading Shopaholic Takes Manhattan. All I had in my mind was "this book should be hilarious". And I was right. I cracked myself up within the first pages. It was such a relief after a long work day! Honestly, I love this book more that its prequel!

Becky Bloomwood is once again on her financial problem due to her addicts on shopping.She just can't pass a store without buying anything. Now, things gets more complicated because she now has a boyfriend who is struggling with his company finance. Well, Becky's addiction doesn't help him at all.

Shopaholic Takes Manhattan has a more complex story and it's more "colorful" than the previous book. Many people loathe Becky's addiction and they say that Becky is unlikeable character. Well, I personally see it like this. After reading two books of the series, I can say this series isn't meant to be taken seriously. Come on, people, it's called entertainment! *giggles*.

I love Shopaholic Takes Manhattan . A lot! This book made me laugh and cry at the same time. I never thought I would fall in love with a chick-lit book (because I am not familiar with that genre), but I believe this book really deserves the high 5!

Have you read the Shopaholic series?

Check out more post on this book:
Review : Confessions of A Shopaholic by Sophie Kinsella


  1. wow suka banget sama SP ya mb? ak belum pernah baca bukunya, g terlalu suka chicklit, hehehe

  2. Iya, saya suka banget seri yang ini. Buku pertama lucu juga, tapi secara keseluruhan sih biasa-biasa aja.

    Yang ini lebih lucu dan susah ditebak.

    Makasih udah mampir ya mbak :)


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