Title : Moon Pie
Author : Simon Mason
Publication date : November 8th 2011
by David Fickling Books
I discovered Moon Pie a few years ago but haven't got the chance to read it. Look at the girl on the cover, though. Being grumpy and cute at the same time. That alone was enough to convince me to pick it up and finally read it.
Martha Luna is an 11 year-old girl. She lives with her dad and little brother, 5 year-old Tug. Lately Martha and Tug notices their father acting strange. Weird gestures, odd reactions, it's like they don't even know their dad anymore. With the advice from her late mother "someone has to keep her head" in the house, Martha steps up and faces it all.
I was fooled by this book. My first impression is this book is targeted for children age 9-11. Just look at the cover! It meant to attract the younger readers. But it is not. This book deals in alcoholism and how it affects a family, and it so much darker than a typical sweet children books. Since there's alcohol involved, I think Moon Pie would suit readers age 13 and up otherwise they wouldn't get the message of this book.
Martha is a very sweet girl. If she's a real person, I'd feel very sorry for her. But then again, I believe there are many children out there like Martha, who live with alcoholic parents and I cannot imagine the difficulties they face.
I'm eleven, she thought. I shouldn't be frightened of the silence, or the dark. I have to keep my head, and not be silly.
Tug, the little brother is very cute and he's so being a 5 year old. I love it when he's having conversation with Martha's friends and it even saddens me that a boy this young and cute (and helpless) and a girl as sweet as Martha live with an alcoholic father.
She felt the beginnings of a headache. But she gave herself a shake. "I won't be sick", she said to herself. "Because I have to look after Tug. And I won't mope because Mum always told me that moping gets nothing done." She sighed. "But shall I do?"
Mason is a very good writer. I really would love to read more books by him. He's superb in making dialogues. I wish Moon Pie gets more attention, or even better, being made into a movie. It would be very nice to watch. 4 rating for Moon Pie. I highly recommend it to those of you who'd love to read something different in children's book. Your turn! What have you been reading lately that is most memorable to you?