For those of you who are new to my blog, you might not know that it's more than 3 years old. It is quiet compared to newer and popular blogs out there. Well, of course I want to reach more audiences and talk to more people, but since I've had enough on my plates, I learned just to let it go. I stopped obsessing about the stats (page views or followers) and to tell you the truth, it's so much easier when you don't force yourself.
I am one of those people who worries too much. What if my writing is not good enough, what if my reviews are too boring to read, what if people don't like my products and I still have tons of what ifs that I cannot write here. Just a few years ago I learned to relax a bit. My life has never been better ever since. All you have do is do your best and let God decides what's best for you.
Er.. sorry for rambling.
Moving on, with this post I'd like to cheer up the the bloggers who are not satisfied with their stats. There's no need to blame yourself. In case you wonder "why me?", well only a fraction of bloggers will become a successful (though the definition of success may varies person to person) and those rock star bloggers usually have a team behind them : the writer, the photographer, the researcher, the coder, well the list is endless. It takes a village to grow a blog, so if you do it all alone, perhaps give yourself a pat on the back. Of course you can succeed even when you do it all on your own, but it would take tons of work most people just cannot handle it.
And this is why I accept my blog for what it is. I cannot afford to hire a team to help me nor I have the energy to do it all alone. I also suck in social media and I can't churn a new post daily. See, my blog will never be big like theirs, and I am okay with that. Seriously. So, from now on, stop blaming yourself, even better stop asking "why no one reads my blog?" and don't be too hard on your self.
I am not saying you shouldn't be motivated, of course you should! I believe those of you who already start blogging at least find writing to be therapeutic. So, by all means continue writing. I started this blog because I enjoy writing and reading, it's a perfect combo. But in my case, I can't only do what I love and there are many things in my life I need to take care of. So, if you can't post daily, then do it weekly. Too tired to write? Get a good rest and write later when you feel refreshed. Trust me, your tired mind will show on your writing and you don't want that.
If you want to be bigger, you can ignore this post or simply do the opposite of what I do. Growing a blog requires a big attention, if you want it to be fruitful. Ask any successful blogger who make a living from writing, I can make sure they'll say it's a ton of work. Work which I am not ready to commit. So, cheer up, you're doing great! Don't stop doing what you love and keep on learning something new. Blogging has a dynamic nature, what works this year might be stale next year. So be genuine, write for your readers instead or for search engines or company because if it were not for them, you wouldn't be where you are now.
If you want to be bigger, you can ignore this post or simply do the opposite of what I do. Growing a blog requires a big attention, if you want it to be fruitful. Ask any successful blogger who make a living from writing, I can make sure they'll say it's a ton of work. Work which I am not ready to commit. So, cheer up, you're doing great! Don't stop doing what you love and keep on learning something new. Blogging has a dynamic nature, what works this year might be stale next year. So be genuine, write for your readers instead or for search engines or company because if it were not for them, you wouldn't be where you are now.