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Monday, March 23, 2015

Review : The Last Runaway by Tracy Chevalier

Title : The Last Runaway
Author : Tracy Chevalier
Publication date : January 8th 2013 by E.P. Dutton

I read Tracy Chevalier's book for the for first time in 2006. Quite a long time ago and it was my first historical fiction read ever. The book was The Virgin Blue which is Chevalier's first novel. I borrowed it from a friend because I wasn't too interested with a not-so-easy novel. Chevalier is responsible for my love of historical fiction. She captured me from the very first sentences, that book toyed with my emotion and it was a fantastic reading experience. Mind you, I was so close-minded back then all I know is fantasy books but The Virgin Blue opened my horizon and changed my mindset altogether.

The Last Runaway is set in the 1890s, when America was still a very young country. It is a tale about the sisters Honor and Grace Bright who migrated from England to America hoping to start a new life. Grace, the older sister was to be married with her fiance in America and Honor came along with her. The life in America wasn't as Honor expected and she felt lost. There was one thing she didn't like the most, the slavery.

I read the translated version of The Virgin Blue and I was satisfied. With this book though, the experience was quite different. Since I read the English version, I was amazed with Chevaliers beautiful words, something I didn't get in translated book. She cleverly crafted the settings and it was as if I am trapped within the corn field. The characters are very real as well, they're so human with their own complexities and I am so glad to tell you that it's unpredictable. So if you read The Last Runaway, the chances of you guessing what happens next is quite slim.

Honor Bright is a wonderful character. She's quiet but strong willed but she's also extremely fragile. I believe she's a perfect example of women in the 1890s, where their opinions didn't matter. I am glad I live in modern life for that. The story is written from her point of view and thanks to Chevalier's talent, I can totally feel what she feels. This, my friends is important to me. I would be very annoyed if I cannot relate or care about the character and I truly care about Honor. 

Now here's a favorite quote of mine:

"What about your principles? I thought you hated slavery and wanted all niggers to be set free."
"I do. But my family is concerned about the law and I want to respect their wishes."
"I'll tell you what the Haymakers are concerned about, Honor Bright : keeping you in your place. They don't want a woman who's gonna think for herself."

Definitely 5 rating for The Last Runaway and I sighed when I reached the ending. I strongly recommend this book to every historical fiction lovers. If you'd like to know a little bit about slavery in America, this is worth reading too (though it doesn't replace a real history book). Over to you! Have you read any Tracy Chevalier's novels or do you have a historical fiction book to recommend?

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