Title :The Girl Who Fell Beneath The Fairyland and Led The Revels There (Fairyland #2)
Author : Catherynne M. Valente
Publication date : Published
October 2nd 2012
by Feiwel & Friends
Hello everyone, great to see you again. After being left impressed with the first book, I just couldn't wait to get my hands on the sequel. Fortunately this book was published two years ago, so yay, no waiting time need! Now, let's talk about this book, shall we?
September was now 13 years old. She spent her time with her mother and their relationship was so much better now. She still miss her dad who was yet back from war. She also missed her fairyland friends : Ell, Saturday and Gleam. She couldn't wait to get to fairyland again and when she finally got there, things were much different and not for the better.
If I were to read the first book without knowing there would be a sequel, I would be jumping for happiness. The prequel is a complete, no unresolved conflicts, but Valente made a little wiggle room for a sequel, which is fantastic. This is how to write a GOOD series. Make your readers care about your characters and they'll crave for more books. No cliffhanger needed.
Speaking of caring about characters, I care about September's friends. A lot. I couldn't wait to find out what happened to Ell, Saturday and Gleam and how much they miss September. Well, the fact that September didn't get to meet them a.s.a.p ached my heart. Yes, I mean it.
September as a character grew so much more mature. She's indeed a heroine, she knew what she wanted and she was not afraid to ask for what she deserved. Valente also included some puppy love scenes which strangely, I found it cute and heartwarming.
Now, here's a favorite quote:
"Can you find anything in these books?" September wondered. "Anything at all, so long as it's to do with Questing?"
"Nearly! Of course, a library is never complete. That's the joy of it. We are always seeking one more book to add to our collection."
Oh, The Girl Who Fell Beneath The Fairyland and Led The Revels There is also a very emotional read, despite of how whimsical it is. I actually cried and smiled and cried again as I read the ending and it's so worth my time.
5 rating for The Girl Who Fell Beneath The Fairyland and Led The Revels There. I am so looking forward to read book #3, but hesitated at the same time because book #4 is yet to be published. Now, over to you, lovely readers. Have you read this series or have any other whimsical reads to recommend? Please share!