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Monday, January 2, 2017

Audio Books I'd Been Listening To

Happy new year everyone! Great to see you again. As I have mentioned before, I am so very new to audio books. They caught my attention because I was tired of listening to music (which I usually do whenever I need to chase the bad mood away). See, many people of my age are not that up to date when it comes to recent music, so we listen to songs from our teenage days over and over. Most of our favorite artists have stopped performing because they get too old to be on stage or something like that. It's boring you know, listening to the same album over and over *shrugs*

But thanks to audio books, I don't have to deal with it anymore. I can listen to books, how wonderful is that? They're too long to memorize, they're impossible to sing along to, but still they kick ass. The saying that bookworms rarely get bored is accurate. We always find a way to devour books. Now here are some audio books I listened to:

The Woman in Cabin 10 by Ruth Ware. A nautical thriller set in Scandinavian sea. This is the first audio book I tried and I enjoy it, thanks to the wonderful narrator. The story itself was nothing special. I honestly dislike the main character because she was drunk all the time even while she was on medication. I just loathe characters that lack of self control. The ending is a bit rushed, still a decent thriller book, if you ask me.

How to Find Love in a Bookshop by Veronica Henry. At first, I had no expectation on this book. All I wanted was something that is easy to listen to and yet, I was definitely surprised. The book was much much more interesting than the title. See, how cheesy simple can that title be? It's a typical chicklit book, yes, but it left me with a smile on my face when I reached the ending. A sweet tale of a woman who tried to took over her late father's bookshop and how the shop affects the people around it. This book is simple, sweet and it makes me happy. A must read for bookworms who dream about owning a bookshop!

Radio Girls by Sarah-Jane Stratford. This one if the most complicated of all. I reckon it'd be nicer to enjoy in book format considering that it's sprinkled with many historical facts. Radio Girls is a book about real historical figure from a fictional character's point of view. Despite of its complexities, I enjoyed listening to this audio book. Even though I understand the plot, I wish I could absorb all the facts and information from it, but I couldn't. It's just too big to digest especially if you listen to it while doing something else. Read it, if you're interested. The audio book couldn't pull it off.

The Missing Wife by Shela O'Flannagan. Just like with How to Find Love in a Bookshop, I had no expectation either when I picked this up and this book surprised me. The story is complex enough, it even brought out my emotion which is unexpected because I thought it was a mere light and sweet chicklit book. It was indeed a sweet treat, in fact it's my second favorite on this list. A story about a woman who escaped from her emotionally abusive husband and her journey picking herself back up. Very touching!

The Girl with a Pearl Earring by Tracy Chevalier. I saved the best for last as this book is my number one favorite. You can't go wrong with Chevalier's work, believe me. She's also the author I swear to read each and any book of, so it's obvious why I picked this one. Just like Remarkable Creatures, The Girl with a Pearl Earring is also based on real historical figures. A background story of Vermeer's masterpiece painting that made me almost forgot that this book is fictional.

So, do you like listening to audio books? Is there anything interesting you found lately? Please share!

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