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Thursday, August 25, 2016

Review : Sophie Quire and The Last Storyguard by Jonathan Auxier

Title : Sophie Quite and The Last Storyguard (Peter Nimble #2)
Author : Jonathan Auxier
Publication date : April 5th 2016 by Harry N. Abrams

Hello everyone, happy to see you again? If you come to this blog often, you'd notice that Jonathan Auxier has a place in my heart. I blabbed about how much I love his stories many times. And it is not without reason, of course. Ever since I read The Night Gardener, I knew that this magical writer is my new favorite author.

This book we're talking about is the second installment of Peter Nimble series (read the review here : Peter Nimble and His Fantastic Eyes). Sophie Quire and The Last Storyguard is an adventure story of Sophie Quire (duh!) and of course, Peter Nimble (another duh!). Sophie here is a kick-ass bookworm, also a daughter of a bookshop owner and her mission is to save all the books from a wicked Inquisitor Prigg.

The Inquisitor is not happy with nonsensical things a.k.a. magic, so he banishes any magical things he sees. When one days he feels like he's lack of inspiration of what to do next, he decides to banished children books as well. Because they teach children nonsense, according to him. I hope my brief description of him is enough to make you loath that imbecile. Sure, he needs to be stopped and that's why we've got Sophie and Peter with us!
"I don't understand," Peter said. "How can burning a bunch of books hurt things in the real world?"
"The real world," Professor Cake repeated with a tone of notable contempt. "The very notion is absurd. Worlds and everything in them are made real by the stories that inhabit them."
Peter is an ever-charming boy, and Sophie is a smart bookworm type of girl. I don't need a reason why Auxier needed to add a heroine in this sequel, but I love the idea. This duo is hilarious, I can't get enough of them. The way they quarrel is very cute also. If you decide to read this book, be prepared to at least chuckle, if not laughing out loud.

Auxier is still using his typical move, which is the villain is always the adult, because children are too innocent to do stupid things. This, I agree with him and this is the reason why I read his book, because he reminds me that long long time ago, I was innocent too, as the children in his books. Oh, he also gave some tips on what to do when you meet your favorite author:
She had, in fact never met an author in person before. As you can imagine, it was a singularly thrilling experience. Should you ever be so lucky as to encounter an author in your life, you should shower her or him with gifts and praise.
5 rating for Sophie Quire and The Last Storyguard. If you haven't heard of this series, go ahead and dig about it on Goodreads. You can never go wrong with Auxier's book.Your turn, what's the last fantasy book you read? Did you enjoy it?

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