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Monday, November 4, 2013

Harry Potter Seven New Covers Finally Revealed

For those of you who read bookish news often you might find this post to be old. I, however have just found out about this and I thought this is worth sharing. Our beloved series finally has new covers for all its seven books and they look absolutely fantastic. A great 15 year anniversary gift for the series indeed.

I think these new covers really compliment Mary GrandPre's work. Both GrandPre and Kibuishi are both great artists and till now I still feel the excitement whenever I see their works. Now, take a look at these masterpieces!

Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone

Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets

Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban  

Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire

 Harry Potter and The Order of Phoenix

Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince

And this new cover really makes me emotional. I want to cry while seeing it!

Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows

Now, what do you think? Do you like the new covers? I know I do, they're so colourful and refreshing. I like the old cover too, though if it not for them Harry Potter wouldn't be so memorable. Cheers to both GrandPre and Kibuishi. What a talent!


  1. I heard about this a while ago, and both sets of covers are too artistic to pick a favorite. The spines of the new copies supposedly form a picture of Hogwarts when lined up on a shelf, which is even better than the covers. I love it when series get a makeover in celebration of an anniversary (although I don't really love when the undergo cover changes halfway through just because), and this revamp does not disappoint. I'm glad you like the new covers as well!

  2. Yup, a cover makeover just because somehow makes it look cheesy. I can't believe it's been 15 years since the first book of Harry Potter. I agree with you, I cannot pick, they're all beautiful! :)

  3. pengeenn.... tapi harganya gila bener! hiks...

    1. Di print aja, Mbak cover barunya terus ditempel deh dibuku yang lama hehehe


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