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Monday, July 2, 2012

Review : On The Fringe by Courtney King Walker

Tittle : On The Fringe
Author : Courtney King Walker
Publication date : October 19th 2011 by Lands Atlantic Publishing

I picked On the Fringe because I was looking for a quick read. I have been so busy lately but I determine to read more book this year. Well, that's just one of many reasons. I love books, I can't stand being apart from them for a long time. I was looking for a horror story, or anything that has something to do with ghost then I found this book.

Claire got a crush on her brother's bestfriend, Daniel. Since it was a puppy love, she started to act awkwardly. Daniel, secretly got a crush on her too. They began hanging out together and one night, Daniel promised to join her to the movie. He never came. Hours passed by and Claire kept on waiting only to found out that he was murdered.

To be honest, to story did touch my heart. Claire and Daniel never had the chance to say about their feelings to each other. Since their feelings are mutual, it's such a pity. I feel for both of the characters and their emotions are very realistic. You know what I like the most about this book? There's no such thing as love triangle in it, woohoo! The romance and humor are wrapped in the a perfect way which makes the story very believable.

There are some parts though where the On the Fringe where I found the pace to be slow. I am not very sure if it was slow or it was just me getting too excited to know what happened next. The antagonist wasn't introduced until later in the story, by the way and I think if he was introduce much earlier, the plot would be creepier (in a good way) and of course, better. 

I am also glad that it's a stand alone book. I think young adult literature is saturated with series nowadays and when you read a series, usually you have to wait for a year to read the sequel. Phew!  Since On the Fringe is a debut novel, I think the author has done a great job. I would definitely read Walker's next book if she plans to write again (I somehow believe she will, anyway).

4 rating for this book. I recommend this to young adult readers who look for something different like a ghost story that is gentle enough to be read at night *grins*. Now, over to you! Have you read this novel? Did you find it enjoyable?


  1. I like the sound of this book. I might check it out soon. Thanks for the lovely review :)

    1. You are very welcome, Mel. It's indeed a fun book to read.


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