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Thursday, May 10, 2012

Review : Legend by Marie Lu

Tittle : Legend (Legend #1)
Author : Marie Lu
Publication date: November 29, 2011 by Putnam Juvenile

Legend had been sitting on my to-read list for months, but I finally picked it up. I was quite disappointed with how The Hunger Games ended (see my reasons here) so I can say that I wasn't in the mood to read another young adult dystopian novels. Lately, I was looking for an unhappy book, and that's how I ended up reading it.

The story is set in future Los Angeles, with a new country called The Republic. As typical dystopian novels, this country is cruel and won't let the citizens live in peace. Day, 15 year-old boy has become the country's most wanted criminal. He is accused for murder of a 15 year-old girl's brother. This girl, June now wants revenge. She has to find her brother's killer with all cost. To make matters worst, June works for The Republic and she's highly intelligent which makes Day's chance to escape almost non existent. As June gets to know Day, she starts to reveal secret facts that has been hidden by The Republic and she knows that things isn't as what she's told.

I have to say that Legend is a very fun book to read. I cannot resist to compare it with The Hunger Games because both are very similar. The only different thing is, this book has less violence. So if you are afraid of hard core violence, then it's for you. I find June to be a very interesting character, well, at least she's not a coward like Katniss in Mockingjay. She knows when to fight back and she's not afraid of taking risk. At least that's what I look for in a heroine. 

What bugs me in this book is the voices. Since it's written in dual point of view, there should be difference in narration tone so the readers are aware of who's telling the story now. But here in this book, both voices are extremely similar, the only help readers get is the font. Yes, Day's story is written in bold font, while June's is in normal font. Now, how would it work in audio book where readers totally rely on the voices? I bet it would make the story harder to understand.

And for your information, this book ends with a cliff hanger, so prepare to be very curious because the next book is going to be released in January 2013. I don't know if I could wait that long *giggles* maybe I would have totally forgotten about the series.

4 rating for Legend. The book may not get 5 stars for me, but I would love to read the sequel and I certainly hope that the story would be more intense (and of course easier to tell which point of view it is).

Did you enjoy the book?

More post of this book:
Teaser Tuesday #4 : Legend


  1. I have seen this book going round in blogland, but I never really understood the real story. Thanks to your review, I know more about this book and it sounds pretty good :)

    1. Hi, Mel!
      Yes, Legend was quite popular especially in the beginning of this year. Still, the book has its own hype and yes, it's a very enjoyable book :)

  2. Thanks for this review! While I've heard good reviews about it plenty of times, the last few I heard said it didn't live up to the hype. Your review has convinced me to buy this book though and I can't wait to read it! :P I am a little wary of dual perspectives though as I've never really been a big fan of it in stories "/

    - Kim (new follower)

    1. Hello, Kim!
      You are very welcome :) Yes, I have to admit that it was the hype of this book that actually helped me pick up this book. I personally do not mind of the dual point of view, as long as we as the readers can tell which characters is telling the story.

      Similar voices means the failure of creating a strong and memorable character, that's what bugs me in Legend.

      Still, the best judge for a book is YOU! By reading and rating it yourself, you'll know whether it is worth the hype or not.

      Happy reading! ;)

  3. I have yet to have read this. Like you, it has been on my shelf for awhile. It is good to hear that you liked it. Thanks for the review.

    1. You are most welcome, FABR Steph :)
      I hope you will enjoy reading it.

  4. Ah, aku mau dystopian ini. Kayaknya seru deh, masukin wishlist aaah. Anyway, dual voices itu siapa sama siapa POVnya mba?

  5. Voice-nya June dan Day. Tapi mirip banget, jadi kurang gimana gitu.


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