Title : The Matchmaker of Kenmare (A Novel of Ireland #2)
Author : Frank Delaney
February 8th 2011
by Random House
Hello everyone! Great to see you again. After falling in love with the first book I couldn't wait to get my hands on the second installment. I was so impressed especially since the book was far outside my comfort zone. I also loved the main character, Ben and would very much love to see how he develops.
The Matchmaker of Kenmare is set around 13 years after the events in the first book. Ben was now a grown man, and because of a tragedy, he was broken. This led him to a local matchmaker named Kate Begley. A young and beautiful girl from a countryside from whom Ben would soon learn the art of matchmaking (a work task, anyway. How cool is that, I wish I had Ben's day job). The fact is, Kate Begley was more than a young girl from a countryside. She was strong-willed and she made Ben accompany her going through the devastating World War II.
Let's talk about the 31 year old Ben. He was bitter, and it was almost impossible to believe that he was the charming 18 year old guy I used to adore.
Any moment now she'll say, "Send forth a candle into a naughty world."
And I'll say "Stick a lighted candle up your backside to give yourself that inner glow."
See, he was totally a different man. I had mixed feelings for his cussing. I felt sorry for Ben, he didn't deserved the tragedy. He was such a good guy. On the other hand, I liked him even more when he cussed. Blowing off steam is good, even for fictional character, don't you think?
Kate Begley, oh Kate Begley. I have not enough words to describe her. She was so fearless, when she wanted something, she had to have it. She was one of the coolest and strongest characters I've read about. The fact that Begley is paired with Ben really adds meaning to the story. They needed each other, they made each other stronger and I found it beautiful. Oh, and her job, gosh! I never thought matchmaking can be a form of mesmerizing art.
"There's a legend," she said, "and I'm one of the very few who know it -- that says all couples who are meant to marry are connected by an invisible silver cord. The matchmaking gods tie that cord around their ankles at birth, and in time the gods pull those cords tighter and tighter. Slowly, slowly over the next twenty or thirty or forty years, they draw the couple toward each other until the meet."
Oh, this book is also a bit more humorous than the first one. This time I understand completely Delaney's sense of humor (maybe because this book contains no politics?). I love it when the author adds something funny to cheer up (a bit) of supposedly not a funny book.
"But you don't even like me."Mrs. Holst said "What are you talking about?"I said, "You've never shown me anything but a frown. Or a scowl.""God in Heaven," she said. "You know nothing about women. If I were forty years younger I'd eat you. I've never been nice to men that I couldn't have."
5 rating for The Matchmaker of Kenmare. I slightly prefer this book to its predecessor. Now, I'm going to read book 3, which I hope will give a nice ending to this lovely trilogy. If you're a fan of World War II stories, go ahead and read this series. It is beautifully written and of course, worth your time!
Over to you! Have you read any good books that set in World War II. Which historical fiction book did you find the most memorable?