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Monday, August 17, 2015

How to Polish Your Blog When You Have No Idea What To Write

Stuck with blogging slump? Ah, we've all been there. When you first started blogging, you had so many ideas it was impossible to shut your brain. All you wanted to do is to write a new post. People said it's called blogging honeymoon, so enjoy it while last. They are right, it doesn't last. Sooner rather than later, you'll face something called blogger's block, a situation where you don't feel like writing at all. 

The thought of brainstorming headlines gives you dizziness and while you're at it, you try to fight it but the creative juice just won't flow. Rest assured that it is just the way your brain telling you that it needs its rest. Take it easy. Lack of ideas doesn't mean you just have to sit down and wait for it to come. It doesn't work that way. In fact, you can still do something productive to make your blog better which only take less than an hour of your time.

Update pictures
Of course you are familiar with the saying "a picture is worth a thousand words". It is not without reason, anyway. I personally find blog post with pictures looks more appealing. Pictures make great thumbnails and if you use Pinterest, you can't do pinning without a picture. The good news is, there are many places where you can find free pictures to include on your blog post. Here's a list on where to find free stock photos for your blog post. Those are my favorite sites, hope it will help you finding ones that suit your blog.

Comment other blogs
This helps spreading your name out there. If you have been blogging for a while you must have some blogging buddies, so why not stop by their blogs, say hello and leave your meaningful comments. They will appreciate your gesture, as you will when it's your blog they are visiting. Besides exposure, commenting on other blogs can also help you in finding inspiration for your next blog post.

Cross-link your existing blog post
I do this while hunting typos on my blog post, so it's like hitting two flies with one slap (I don't like the original "killing two birds with one stone", it's so sadistic, birds are my favorite animals). Curate posts that have similar theme and try your best to cross-linking them. This hopefully make you readers stay longer on your blog because they are served with various contents within the same page.

Related post : How to Write Quality Blog Post Everytime

Do some maintenance
Everything needs regular tune up if it is to keep its function. This include your blog. Having no idea what to write doesn't mean you just let your blog go stale. Start doing some maintenance for your blog like fixing dead links, cleaning the sidebar, etc.

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What do you do when you have no ideas for blog post? What kind of maintenance does your blog need for now?

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