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Thursday, July 16, 2015

So You Want to Start A Book Blog? : Pros and Cons of Book Blogging

I believe most of you who read this post already have your own blog, and for those of you who have yet own one, this post is for you. Although I have been blogging for years, I still face obstacles that I struggle with each time. Posting regularly is the biggest obstacles ever. I am not good in finding topics to write and I don't have enough time to practice which is shame. I hope someday it will not be a problem anymore as I am always trying to find which of those blogging tips that works for me. All right, below are the pros and cons of book blogging based on my experience. The cons part is not meant to scare you but rather than to let you know what to expect in case you decide to blog.


Good to exercise your writing skill
Sure, this seems obvious. Blogging is about writing and expressing yourself. Your writing is the centerpiece of your blog, of course you have to constantly write to keep your blog updated. People say practice makes perfect and it is true. The more you write, the better you become.

You'll learn on how to spot a good book
Without question! Reviews would also be an important part of your book blog. Writing them enables you to sharpen your "good book radar" and overtime you can guess if the book is going to be interesting only by reading the back description. You will also aware that the "radar" can sometimes fail when the book doesn't meet your expectations and you won't allow yourself to feel guilty when you put in on your DNF list.

Sometimes you are offered with bookish freebies
This is a privilege. Not every book bloggers are offered this. If you are a newbie, be patient and just keep blogging. Do not get discourage because of it, just keep blogging and build your audience. Once you get noticed, you will get the offer sooner rather than later. While freebies are cool, it doesn't mean you have to sell your soul for it. Decide wisely which of them may benefit you and your readers and when being offered to review something, do it with integrity.

Getting to know other book lovers
This is the fun part of blogging. I gain some blogging friends that I communicate with in regular basis. It's a great experience. Sometimes they hold a kind of gathering and have a chit chat. Community is indeed an important part of blogging. Start joining them as soon as you start and socialize and this will help you gain audience faster.

Related post : The Perks of Being a Book Blogger


Writing reviews is not that fun
In fact it's my least favorite part of book blogging. I wish I could just throw some ratings and be done with it. I like talking about books, don't get me wrong but judging or reviewing a book a whole different thing. It's a much more complex task for me as I have no background in literature studies, but hey, reviews bring traffics, so I have to continue writing them.

Blogging needs constant attentions and commitment
... which many people cannot provide, including me. As stated before, I am still trying to find what works for me, and it could be a never-ending quest *shrugs* I am determined though, I started this blog to express myself, I can't abandon it just like that.

It's not always sunshine and rainbows
In my case, the biggest challenge is to come up with what to post next. Sometimes inspirations come like flood, many times they just disappear. I don't want my blog to be stuffed with fillers that's why I don't do any of the memes out there. You will face this too, sooner or later. Try the hardest you can to write down your ideas as soon it crosses your mind. This helps me for a while, but I don't discipline myself to write them. Lame, I know. Don't do what I did.

You'll face burnout sooner or later 
Just like with your day job, blogging burnout also exists. There will be times when you have tons of ideas, written many headlines but you can't just sit down and write. You are so not in the mood, even the sight of your own computer is enough to give you the nausea. It's actually your own self trying to tell you that you've had enough. Follow the cue, stay away from the computer and enjoy the moment. Maybe it's time to get back to your other hobbies? Refresh yourself and you will come back feeling refreshed.

Related post : How to Suck at Being a Blogger

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So tell us! How and why did you start blogging? For those of you who don't have a blog yet, what makes you interested in starting one?

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