Author : Amber Argyle
Publication date : September 5, 2012 by Starling Publishing
Let me clarify that this series had a place in my heart because Witch Song was the first book I reviewed in this blog. I promised myself that I would read the sequel if there was any, and here it is.
Brusenna is now on Haven, learning new magical skill on a witch school. One day, she felt as if a strange power came from within her and that she communicated with with one of her enemies begging her to save them and lift the curse upon them.
Senna and Joshen were a boring couple. Usually I found young love to be cute but in this case, it was a total meh. Senna's mother was an unbelievable character too. You know why? She left her family being murdered to go to Haven, because she believe she was a witch and she had to be with her fellow witches. What kind of monster is that? She's a selfish prat and I hate her so much!
You know, why irritates me the most about this books was the strange names. I'm all for unique names, but in this book, they sound horrible. For example Sacra, Coyel, Joshen, they're irritating. I mean, take a look at Harry Potter series for example. It's very clear that Rowling took her characters name seriously. Albus Dumbledore, Severus Snape, Bellatrix Lestrange, Lucius Malfoy see even the villains got a cool name. I know that Witch Born wasn't set in England, but you got the idea!
Let's talk about the whole story. Witch Born seriously needs editing. A lot of it. Not because of spelling or grammar stuffs, but because of its emptiness. I think the book doesn't knows what it wants, there is no consistency at all. For instance, Senna learn potions at school, but no one actually knows what the potions do. Harry Potter-ish? You bet! Well, at least Professor Snape knows what he's talking about.While on Haven, I have no idea at all.
And Senna's magic? It's pretty unrealistic too. The witches in this book use her song as their weapons and they sing to control the nature, especially plants. Can you imagine how effective it is during battle to actually sing a song? Who'd learn that kind of useless skill, anyway. Ah, here's a quote about Senna's mother, didn't really find one I liked.
"So we run again? Is that your answer for everything?" Her mother's expression tightened.
"Senna, sharks and falcons and wolves chase. Deer and mice and sheep run. That's the way of our world."
1 rating and DNF status for Witch Born. It's a shame and if only they edited the book more, I am quite sure that it's actually bearable. Your turn! Have you read this book? Did you ready any books you don't like lately?