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Thursday, November 20, 2014

My Top 5 Guilty Pleasures : What Are Yours?

Hello everyone, great to see you again! For today's post, I'd like to talk about my guilty pleasures. I know many of you don't believe in it, and I want to not believe in it too, but trust me they exist! Sometimes you feel guilty just for satisfying yourself. While your mind would say "why would you feel guilty for something that make you happy?" your heart replies "hmm ... you shouldn't have done it." Frankly, I face this dilemma sometimes. Fortunately most of my guilty pleasures are harmless, here they are:

Guilty pleasure #1 : ramen noodle

I like ramen noodle very much it almosts harm me. You know, back in my childhood ramen noodle was completely banned at my home. My mother wouldn't allow me touch is because there's something in it that made my younger brother felt dizzy after eating it. I won't blame him, though because ramen noodle is one of the most unhealthy food out there. Then I reached my adulthood, I can do what I want and thanks to my mother attitude, now I see ramen noodle like a meal from heaven! Ha, so I ate it very often. It tasted so good I couldn't stop. 

Why feel guilty? I tried every flavors and brands I could find, until one day, it gave me skin rashes. That actually made me stop touching it (though I still crave for it every day).

The moral of the story: don't get too strict in not allowing certain food in your home, your children would look for it when they're beyond your supervision, or wait until adulthood to finally have a "revenge" (like me). Oh and always eat healthy food!

Guilty pleasure #2: chicklit books

Despite of my reading preference of serious books, I find chicklit books to always catch my attention. All right, let's rephrase it : I am crazy about chicklit books! There I said it! 

Why feel guilty? Because they often disappoint me with the unbelievably annoying main characters, cheesy plots and bad ending, but I still love chicklit books even though I know there's a possibility of me being mad after reading it. 

The moral of the story: love is blind, it also applies in your book preference.

Guilty pleasure #3: Devious Maids (and other soap operas)

Ha, if you love Desperate Housewives (I do!), this is a must watch TV show. It's so extremely cheesy it's good! I watch every episode of it and I can't wait for the next season. I can't believe myself watching soap opera. I used to think it's marketed for tired and bored moms. Now that I think of it, I am one of those tired and bored moms! 

Why feel guilty? I don't actually, it's a good show, for crying out loud!

The moral of the story: sometimes you watch each TV show out there that people seem to be raving about only to find yourself back to soap opera. Trust me it's normal.

Guilty pleasure #4 : lipsticks

I lost count on how many time I buy a tube of lipstick only to find I have a similar shade already. I lose my mind whenever I am at makeup counter, you know. Colors makes me crazy, especially in tubes. I always have reasons to buy lipstick and I think it's becoming a bad habit. But hey, you can't have too many shades of lipstick, can you?

Why feel guilty? It hurts my wallet, that's why.

The moral of the story: don't visit makeup store too often, especially when you're broke. There's a potential that you'll hurt yourself mentally

Guilty pleasure #5 : spending too much time on the internet

... that sometimes (nope, many times) I procrastinate important stuffs (a.k.a housework) because of it. I mean reading stuffs on the net in so much interesting to do than let's say mopping the floor. Thankfully, I can't stand messy house, so sooner rather than later I finally do it in a grumpy mood. If you don't really care about your house condition, then this type of attitude may backfire you.

Why feel guilty: well. procrastination makes me sound selfish, although I believe everyone has selfishness inside of them, right?

The moral of the story: surf the internet all you want, but make sure your house is squeaky clean and tidy first. There's no greater feeling than browsing the internet in the comfort of your own home. 

Now, let's talk about you. I am sure you have some guilty pleasures too. What are they? tell us, no need to be shy!

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