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Tuesday, November 18, 2014

How to Write Quality Blog Post Everytime

I believe most of us bloggers have faced something called blogger's block, the days when you feel totally uninspired and don't feel to write anything. But hey, you have readers to entertain, and the most important thing, you love blogging, of course the only choice is to continue writing, no? Or, you might be a person like me that always wonder how those bloggers maintain posting new content daily. Well, to tell you the truth, just imagining it makes my back hurts! More power to them, it's not an easy goal to aim, but if you are serious, I am sure it can be done.

A good blog post needs planning. This is what I am lack of and I really want to master this. I am getting the hang of it, though you'll still notice ebb and flow between my posts, which I hope not as bad as in my old days. So far, I can say that planning does help. A lot. If you haven't tried it, I strongly recommend you to. Now, here are things that help me planning my blog posts:

Have a planner
This is obvious. Take time to explore what kind of planner that works for you. Some people swear by the printable type while others do well just by making notes of their smart phones. I tried both, I was so excited having my own blog planner and printed them on fancy paper. Unfortunately, it didn't work for me. It is too much hassle to bring the planner around with me and I personally think it's waste of paper. So I stopped. Right now making notes on my phone works better for me. It's so much lighter than a traditional planner, extremely portable and when I am done making posts, I'll just delete them. So easy!

Brainstorm a lot
I think brainstorming (although very time consuming) is actually the most fun part of crafting a blog post. What I find helpful is to think about the post title first. Write down any ideas on a notebook (or phone). Anything at all. Don't think of editing it at the moment, or else you'll end up deleting everything and got nothing left to write about. Inspiration is notorious for coming when you least expect it, so when you suddenly have ideas, write them down, be quick about it or your ideas will be swallowed by the universe. Not cool at all. That's why, lovely readers, it's important to always have a notebook with you (or a phone, in my case).

Read other blogs, tons of them
Yes, even ones that aren't from your niche. You'll be surprised on how many ideas they can give you. Reading various blogs helps broaden your horizon and opens your mind to a different point of view. For example, I blog about books, but I subscribe to graphic design, DIY, food (even though I am not going to try the recipe anytime soon), even fashion and makeup blogs. What I learn from them is how to find my voice in writing. If you tried to write your own novel, you must know this advice on read as many novels as possible from various genres, well this applies to blogging too.

Write what you love
What you feel on certain subject will show on your writing. When people talk about something they love, they'd become very passionate and they'd give the best of them for it. If you are planning to start a blog, this is a big thing to consider. A blog should be about you and your passion, or else it will drain you emotionally. Blogging require constant motivation, lots of it, so stay away from subject you're not into. Your passion helps making things easier and when it comes to blogging, you'll need all the help you can get, no matter how insignificant it seems.

...and when it's all good and tidy...
Make your post easy to share. Are your social media buttons placed on the easy-to-notice spot? If yes, more power to you! If no, you may want to give them a better placement. Your top sidebar is your valuable real estate, always make use of it for you blog important features (e.g. popular posts, social media buttons, subscription option, etc). Your post footer is also important. Make sure it includes prominent social networking/bookmarking sites to increase the chances for your post being found by new readers.

Now, I'd like to hear from you. Do you have any rituals when creating a new blog post? How do you brainstorm ideas?

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