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Sunday, October 12, 2014

5 Reasons Why You Should Read Children's Book

I like children's book and I cannot lie. Oh wait, in fact I LOVE them. I believe there's no shame about it, everyone is entitled to his/her book preference. I didn't find out my soft spot for this until recently. I read adult books during my teenage years, and I am not really fond of YA books, so ideally, children's book wouldn't catch my attention.

    So one day a very interesting book changed my mind and I am in love with children's (and middle grade) books ever since. It was an eye opener for me and I keep on adding more and more similar books into my to-read list and now, ladies and gentlemen, here are the things that make me love this cutie read:

    It's fun to read
    It's pretty obvious, isn't it? Children's book is a good choice if you are looking for something innocently entertaining. It reminds me of my childhood and it shows just how cute the characters are when interacting with one another. It's refreshing to read from a child's point of view sometimes, and as a mother I can assure you that a child is way smarter than you think. This applies to fiction too, of course and I love it when the characters have (children's)  minds of their own.

    Related post: Why I Am Not Really Into Young Adult Books

    It's easy to understand
    If you've just finished a difficult read, of course you want your brain to rest, but I am a person who always need something to read. A children's book is a perfect choice. It's light and easy, no need to play brain puzzle and wild guessing during reading. Everyone needs an easy book to keep their sanity, don't you think?

    It's a great escape from complicated  adult's life
    Ever heard this saying "don't grow up, it's a trap!" ? I bet you have! That saying has truth in it, believe it or not. Being an adult means more responsibilities. Work, kids, home, it comes in a package. In my case, reading children's book allows me to pretend that I don't have any of them. For a while. Still, it helps!

    Related post: My Top 5 Bookish Confessions

    It's has moral in the story
    So, yes, this is the typical characteristic of children's book and even adult need moral lessons from time to time. What I love the most about it is children's book author knows how to make it subtle but memorable. The Princess Curse, for example has a message of not judge anyone by their looks and the League of Prince series teaches good deed never goes unrewarded. You get a story, plus a lesson and everybody's happy!

    Let's not forget those pretty illustrations 
    Oh, come on, who doesn't love cute and lovely pictures (in many cases, they're colorful too)? Now that I think of it, it's indeed the pictures that attracted me to children's book back then. I have to say that the pictures don't only serve as eye candy, but they also help in visualization and I need all help I can get in visualization.To sum it up, children's books have their own charm. They're easy to understand, have morals in the story and packaged with lovely illustrations, tell me, what's not to love about them?

    Now my question to you are, do you like reading children's book too? What makes you interested in them?

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