Author : Yann Martel
Publication date : August 29th 2006 by Seal Books
When I first saw Life of Pi's cover, I thought this was a book about a boy with his pet tiger. Well, I was not completely wrong. There's indeed a boy and a tiger, but the book has so much more depth in it. I have seen people raving about this book for a while, even the movie was made a few years ago. I think I am kind of late on this one, but never mind, you're never to late to enjoy a book, no?
Piscine Moritol Patel (a.k.a. Pi) is a boy whose parents owned a zoo in Pondicherry, India. When business wasn't not good, his parents decided to move to Canada for a better life. So, off they went on a Japanese ship called Tsimtsum. They journey didn't go smoothly. The ship was hit by a storm and Pi discovered that there was a Bengal tiger with him on the life boat.
As I mentioned before, Life of Pi is not a story of how Pi become best friend with the tiger. This book is so dark and deep that it leaves me jaw-dropped when I reached the last page. I could still remember my heart beat so fast when I read the last few paragraphs. Honestly, I just don't know how to describe this book, it's full of symbols and you may have to read it slowly with fresh state of mind to actually understand it (especially the ending).
The first few chapters were quite slow, if you ask me, but I still enjoyed it. I like Martel's writing style. It's very obvious that he did a lot of research when he was writing Life of Pi, and it makes the book come to life. Aside of being a very philosophic read, I also find Life of Pi to be a very emotional one. Martel has this magic of writing a beautiful description. Through his words, I can feel Pi's thirst on my throat, or his fears and despairs and I could even imagine how the flying fish roaming around Pi's life boat.
The best part of Life of Pi is when it nears the ending. It doesn't mean that I don't enjoy it, though, but it's super intense as each mysteries adds up or reveals itself it makes me wonder what kind of narrator Pi is. The ending concludes everything and it's up to us, the readers, to decide which story we prefer. Ha, hopefully I left you intrigued as I was!
Now, time for my favorite quote. This is the culprit of my jaw-dropped pose!
"Don't you bully me with your politeness! Love is hard to believe, ask any lover. Life is hard to believe, ask any scientist. God is hard to believe, ask any believer. What is your problem with hard to believe?"
5 rating for Life of Pi. It has been so long since my heart was churned by a novel. Life of Pi is a very powerful book, read it, if you haven't already! Deep down I know now it will still haunt my mind for weeks. Now, I am so eager to watch the movie. I wonder how the screen would interpret it. Your turn! Have you ever read a book so hauthing you can't forget? What is it?
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