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Saturday, October 25, 2014

How to Feel Good In The Morning

I am a morning person. There's something about it that calms me, be it the fresher air, the warm sunlight or the chirping of the birds. I wake up around 4.30 a.m. everyday and being an early riser really helps with my busy schedule. To feel good in the morning is important, especially when you're heading to your work place. You don't want your co-workers or boss notice you have a bad day already. Not cool! Here are my rituals, which I find easy to do, feel free to share yours too!

Sleep early
It's seems obvious, isn't it? Sleeping early helps you wake up early in the next morning. I am an early riser, but I also don't stay up late at night. Lack of sleep will make you grumpy and an annoying person to be with and it's not good for your social life. Trust me, I know. I've been there. I suffered from insomnia in the past, it took a toll on my physical and mental health. Get enough sleep and you'll feel better the next day.

Sip a cup of tea (or coffee, if that's what you prefer)
This is a must for me. A cup of tea gives extra energy and it puts me in a good mood. I do this every morning, even on weekend when I don't go to work. My preference is green tea, because I heard it helps you to stay young, whether it's true, I don't know and I don't care. As long as it makes me feel better and doesn't compromise my health, I'm all for it.

Watch comedy
Yes, I do have schedule to watch comedies everyday before I go to work. Some people may prefer to watch the news, but since you might see bad news in the morning, I totally avoid it. I believe to have a good day, you have to start it with a good mood too. Bad news doesn't help at all. Luckily, I usually can find which channels that have morning comedy show, and this is what exactly entices me to start this habit.

Do some light exercises
Don't have time to jog every morning? No worries! You can still walk. Your work place is just too far to go on foot? Relax, go take the stairs instead of the elevator. Don't push yourself, though, or you'll be too tired to do your daily tasks. Give yourself a nice warming up to help you getting ready to face the day.

Put on some makeup
This actually helps me a lot if getting additional confidence. Just look at how a tube of lipstick or an eyeliner can transform you. Wear your favorite shade and give the world your gorgeous smile! Knowing that you are refreshed and look neat will help you feel good.

* * * * *

All right, those are my version on how to feel good in the morning. What are yours? Do you also have rituals before facing the day?

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