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Monday, November 23, 2015

Decluttering Your Blog : 4 Things To Keep on Your Sidebar

Ah, well all hate messy sidebar! They're equally annoying as messy room, no one can stand being in it for more than 5 minutes. If you are considering to do some sidebar cleaning, congrats! Why, because many bloggers are too afraid to do so. Well, some of my customers asked me whether they should use their sidebar as their blog gallery? So I said, no way.

But who in their right mind wouldn't install those fancy cute buttons? Or the flashy banner. It's too hard to resist. Oh, trust me, I know. I am a fan of fancy buttons, too though only on clothing. Having too many of that stuffs on your blog will interfere with your blog's speed. People dislike slow site since always, you don't want to jump into that crowd. So, instead of rambling what to delete -- because that's your decision to make, you know the pros and cons -- so I'd just blab about a sidebar's must-haves, and here they are:

Social media/follow buttons: make it easy for your readers to follow your account. Put them on a location that's easy to spot like the top of the sidebar.

Email follow button: since not everyone has Bloglovin or Feedly account, this is a must have. The easier your blog to subscribe to, the better. Now, almost everyone owns an email address, this is the easiest way to follow your blog. If your blog doesn't have an option for this yet, add it now.

Popular posts: you want your visitors to stay on your blog as long as possible. Serve them the post that make your proud. This also show new visitors about what kind of post you usually publish.

Short bio : people need to know the person behind all these writings. Using a pen name or real name doesn't really matter. Add some info about you. It doesn't need to be a long paragraph, a few sentences would suffice. Tell them who you are and add some fun facts about you, too.

Those are 4 things I believe each blog must have. Remember though, your blog sidebar is like a precious real estate space. You really do want to filter which stuff to give space there. Maybe this will help you in making decision : ask your self whether the widget would benefit your blog and your readers? If yes, go right ahead otherwise, leave it. 

I hope this post help you, however little. Keep writing, and inspiring your readers. Make a difference, my friends. You can do it! See you at the next post.

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