Author : Ari Marmell
Publication date : Published December 3rd 2013 by Pyr
Gosh, it has been a while since I updated my blog. I think I finally hit by a blogging slump. Being exhausted didn't help either. At least I manage to finish a book, even though it took a long while. Widdershins Adventure is one of very few young adult books I enjoy. She's different, she's not perfect and there's no sucky triangle love. It's just perfect!
It has been six months since Adrianne Satti (a.k.a Widdershins) left the city of Davillon. During her not-so-fun journey she discovered that the rival house of Delacroix family was plotting against them. Being adopted by Delacroix, she was determined to help the remaining family members only to find out that there were criminal group and an insider traitor working together.
Since I love the second book so much, I do have a big expectation for Lost Covenant. Does it meet my expectation? Not quite. Here, Widdershins seems to be more reserved, she's not as witty as in the first book. It's as if she has lost her charm. I read the first book (which lead me here) because of her wittiness and not finding it here disappoints me.
Now, let's talk about the narration. Goodness, they're over the top. Since Marmell is so great in making dialogue, I crave for the conversation. The excessive narration makes the book boring and that's why it took me a month to finish it which is a shame. Like it or not, I cannot help but to compare this book to the prequel. It is action packed, has much stronger plot with lots of funny moment and the villain is just awesome. As for Lost Covenant, the villains just weren't scary. They're evil yes, but they don't bring chills to my spine the way second book's demon did. Now, it's time for a favorite quote!
Now let's talk about you and your book. Have you ever come across a book that didn't give you what you expect. Will you continue reading the next book, if it's a part of series?
"Seriously, is there some patron god of footraces I was supposed to sacrifice to? Because if you can give me his name, I'll find him a goat. Or a virgin. Or a virgin goat."See, who doesn't like that kind of dialogue? It's fresh, it's fun to read, I don't know know why Mr. Marmell didn't create more of it. 2 rating for Lost Covenant. It's a disappointment to me, yes, but since Widdershins and Olgun have a place in my heart already, I will read the fourth book. Well, no series is perfect and I hope the next book will bring the excitement it owes me.
If there was such a deity, Olgun appeared not to know name either
Now let's talk about you and your book. Have you ever come across a book that didn't give you what you expect. Will you continue reading the next book, if it's a part of series?