My blog's anniversary is actually last September, but somehow I forgot about it. I thought it would be on December but it's my domain renewal schedule, see, I confused between the two. Frankly, it's still hard for me to believe that this blog would last for more than three years. I was never serious when I started it, I believe it was to be my creative outlet only.
But I was trapped with it and to my surprise, I love being trapped with my blog. It's like a friend to me, we have our ups and downs. There are times when I don't feel like writing at all, on the contrary there are also days when I feel like writing blog post all day long. Just like a friend, my blog taught me some stuffs, which I hope could give you food for thought. Here they are:
Memes are annoying
During my first year of blogging, I thought memes were important. They suppose to help your blog being known by socializing with other bloggers. Now, I am confident to say that they game based memes are not important. At all. Your blog will do just fine without them, trust me.
Alright, let's rephrase it : I think memes are annoying. Why? Because you know, on certain days my Bloglovin feed is flooded and clogged by them. Blah blah Monday, yadda yadda Tuesday, come on! They're so repetitive and boring. I mean who cares about the snippet of the current book you read or books you are desperately waiting or what books you've just got. Well, I don't. Readers want your meaningful content, it's best to serve it to them.
People don't really care about reviews
Sad but true. You spent your precious time reading and reviewing books to make your readers happy only to find out they're being ignored. Crickets are chirping and your post is silent as a graveyard. Truth is people don't really comment on reviews unless it's something they've read. Still, reviews are important because in my case they're the doors for visitors that come from search engines. Even though they look abandoned, people do read them. Check your stats, it doesn't lie.
Followers prefers discussions
Try to write a discussion which topics applies to all people, your followers would surely chime in. It's a good sign, actually because it shows that they find your topic interesting, no matter how simple the topic is. Your blog is like a house where your followers are the guest. Have chit chat with them and give them something to talk about.
Combination of various blog posts helps in getting the best result
Post reviews to attract new visitors from search engines. People do search for book reviews with it and not everyone knows about Goodreads, so yes, keep writing reviews, spread your net, hopefully it will catch new readers. In the meantime, interact with your followers, chat with them, have some fun. The most important thing is to write meaningful blog post frequently, so your readers keep coming back.
All right, enough about me. Let's talk about you! How long have you been blogging and have have you learn so far?