Title : Eragon (Inheritance #1)
Author : Christopher Paolini
Publication date : April 2005
by Knopf Books for Young Readers
Fantasy lovers, raise your hands is you haven't read this series! I am a little ashamed to admit that I know almost nothing about Eragon (except for the boy and his dragon ride, of course). You know, this series was big here in my country. I still remember bookstores hung around the posters with gimmicks like "the next Harry Potter" or something like that. People were so... into Harry Potter back then.
I watched the old Eragon movie. Can't remember the story, it was a long long time ago when the world was young and the hearts were pure. I actually was quite impressed with it but years after that, I wondered why they don't make the rest of the books into screen. I have this weird belief in me that when they stop making sequel movies, there's always something wrong. It could be the film makers to blame, or it could be the book that sucks (still remember This is why I read Eragon. I need to find out what's wrong, and I hope it's not the books.
I am not going to say much about the plot because first, many of you have read it and already know story. Second, there's nothing much going on. It's more of an adventure tale. So, it basically follows the one quest + wondering around formula. 15 year-old Eragon found a peculiar stone while he was hunting. He developed a special bond to it and one night it hatched. It was not a stone, but a dragon egg. Eragon didn't know what to do, he couldn't just abandon the baby dragon, so he took care of it secretly. It turned out that the wicked king Galbatorix was looking desperately for the dragon egg.
Alright, I need to stop right there. One more sentence, and I will spoil the entire book. The fact that this book was written by a 15 year-old boy really shows. It's like creaming at me. However it doesn't mean that its not good. I even think it's a quite nice work and by starting reading this series, I hope to see how much Paolini grows as an author. He clearly has the talent, whether he will use it to its full capacity, we'll see.
I adore Eragon and Saphira the dragon as I find them very likable. Eragon with his teenage naivety and Saphira with her wisdom, they compliment each other. It's a bit funny because Saphira is a very young dragon but she's so wise as if she's born thousands of years ago. This book is a good example of how a relationship of a character and his mythical beast should be. Now, let me show you this quote:
3 ratings for Eragon. I am now reading the second book, I hope it will be better and I hope to see the characters grow. What about you? Have you read this series? Did you like it?
I adore Eragon and Saphira the dragon as I find them very likable. Eragon with his teenage naivety and Saphira with her wisdom, they compliment each other. It's a bit funny because Saphira is a very young dragon but she's so wise as if she's born thousands of years ago. This book is a good example of how a relationship of a character and his mythical beast should be. Now, let me show you this quote:
"First, let no one rule your mind or body. Take special care that your thoughts remain unfettered. One may be a free man and yet be bound tighter than a slave. Give men your ear, but not your heart. Show respect to those in power, but don't follow them blindly. Judge logic and reason, but comment not. Consider none your superior, whatever their rank or station in life. Treat all fairly or they will seek revenge. Be careful with your money. Hold fast to your beliefs and others will listen."I am going to keep this review short because I actually don't have a strong opinion about it. Was it good? Yes, it's good enough especially since it is written by a teen. I have read better books, though. Will I continue? So far, my answer is yes. I didn't find anything wrong in this book, I even enjoyed it. Maybe the film stopped because it didn't get enough positive reviews? I don't know.
3 ratings for Eragon. I am now reading the second book, I hope it will be better and I hope to see the characters grow. What about you? Have you read this series? Did you like it?