Title : Peter Nimble and Hist Fantastic Eyes (Peter Nimble #1)
Author: Jonathan Auxier
Publication date : August 1st 2011
by Amulet Books
Jonathan Auxier is my favorite middle grade author. I know I have only read 2 books by him, still quite very premature to decide, but I just know. Well, he has written 3 books so far, I love 2 of them, so not really a premature decision, if you ask me. People say to follow your heart and I believe it is for a reason. My heart says that she loves Auxier, so I'd just let her decide. Who am I to question her, after all?
Well, last year I was very impressed with The Night Gardener. It was creepy even for an adult like me. It left a lovely impression and this urge in me to read all books by him and that's how I ended up picking Peter Nimble and His Fantastic Eyes.
Peter Nimble was a blind boy and according to this book, blind children are the best thieves this planet could ever have. Peter could sense what's hidden under a securely locked treasure box, he could also feel on which pocket a person put his wallet, he was also a master of pick-pocketing. To sum it up, he could do almost anything, he just couldn't see. One lucky day, he stole a mysterious box containing the pair of magical eyes and led him to a mission that changed his life forever.
My first impression of Peter Nimble is this is cute! Peter is a lovable boy, although he was extremely talented, there's still this naivety in him which makes me love him even more. And the writing style! Gosh, don't get me started! It's a mixture of humor, something whimsical, and Peter. How can I not adore it?
Whatever the answer, I'm sure it's right under our noses," Sir Tode said. "But between my whiskers and your blindness, we'll have a rough time spotting it!"
Peter didn't share Sir Tode's amusement. "At least I have an excuse," he muttered.
Auxier also put something impossible in this book. Not only impossible, but also doesn't make any sense. Yet it doesn't bother me, it made me chuckle. And I love how Auxier descibe we adults are the one who know nothing.
Simon gave an amused cluck. "You are closer to the truth than you realize, Scrape. King Incarnadine recognized at once the threat that you and your kind posed to his plans. While adults can be intimidated and deceived, a child's constitution is made from far stronger stuff. He knew that a kingdom full of children would never accept a fraudulent ruler."
The ending of this book is predictable yet cute. Notice the word cute, because I didn't find it annoying at all. It tickles my inner child, and it made me pretend to be a 10 year-old girl. A very good reading experience and this is also why I love reading middle grade book. They let us adults experience childhood once again.
High 5 rating for Peter Nimble and His Fantastic Eyes. I recommend this to all of you who are looking for something humorous and adventurous. Since The Night Gardener is going to be filmed, I wonder if this book is going to have a similar privilege. I wish it is! So, have you read anything by Jonathan Auxier? Are you a fan of middle grade book, too?