Title : Crenshaw
Author : Katherine Applegate
Publication date : September 22nd 2015
by Feiwel & Friends
For those of you who love children books must know the name Applegate. She's one of the most respected children's author out there and if you're my age, your childhood might have a place for her. Animorphs, anyone?
So, when I first saw Crenshaw, I was so excited. I actually read Crenshaw a few months ago, but I write reviews whenever I feel like it, which means not in chronological order, well you the idea.
Nine-year-old Jackson had a cat. An imaginary cat named Crenshaw. He believed he was too old to have an imaginary friend and Crenshaw had just long gone. An imaginary friend, doesn't stay, that's what Jackson thought. But the huge talking giant cat was back and it irritated Jackson even more especially that now his family was in struggle.
I like the premise of this book. Crenshaw is rich with Applegate style, it's sweet and nostalgic. I can say the characters in this book are strong enough, the dialogue runs smoothly, what I dislike is the story and how some characters can be so thoughtless. Jackson is a very sweet boy, he's so mature considering his age, and while reading this book, what caught my attention is that Jackson seems to be the only one who cares about what was going on in the family. His parents? Not so much.
It seems like I should have thought to myself, wow, a cat is talking to me, and that is not something that usually happens at a highway rest stop. But all I remember thinking is how great it was to have a friend who liked purple jelly beans as much as I did.
Some of you may know that I am a parent and stuff like this makes me very sensitive. I just can't stand lousy parents. Let me give you an example. Jackson's parents are musicians, they struggled to make ends meet and because of his health condition, Jackson's father cannot do a full time job. His parents juggled from one part-time work to another, leaving the family with no financial stability.
I get it that earning money is hard, especially if you have health condition, but Jackson's parents hid everything from their children and acted like everything is okay, even joked about it, while on the other hand, the children went to bed with their stomach growling almost everyday.
That was the first time I realized people don't always like to hear the truth
What kind of parents let their children starving? Yes, an irresponsible one! Oh, his father is also too proud to ask for help he'd rather have the children hungry. Please tell me you find this irritating, too!
2 rating for Crenshaw. If you want to read a book by Applegate, try The One and Only Ivan instead. Crenshaw would be a more likeable book if it were not for the lousy parents. Well, even the world would be much better without lousy parents! *Sighs*. Well, I mentioned "childhood" earlier in this post, what books reminds you of your childhood?